Constipation, frequent burping, oily face, acne, bad breath, bloated stomach, etc. Intestinal detox can help! I believe that many people are experiencing more or less these problems. Especially people in the modern era who live in a hurry with almost everything. But maybe few people know that the real solution is not taking laxatives. Looking for expensive skincare Or buy toothpaste to deodorize your breath. Because the real source may come from our “intestines” .
Colon cleansing (Detox) will help cleanse. and removes impurities from waste, food residue, and toxins that remain in the body completely Because these wastes are often not completely excreted. Therefore, there is a residue in the intestines.

Whether the colon wall is slag, feces, dead cell tissue, parasites, and ยูฟ่าเบท mucus are accumulated. Until causing harm to the body, such as chronic constipation, difficulty passing bowel movements, inability to pass stools, bloating or frequent farting.
After knowing what detox is And how important is it to the body? There are still times for detox that girls should know because the time period for detox affects the body differently. Divided into time periods as follows:
- morning
Morning detox from 5:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. on an empty stomach or before breakfast. It is suitable for people who want to lose weight or reduce their belly.
- Afternoon
Afternoon detox from 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. is suitable for people who want to balance the digestive system in the small intestine.
- Evening
Detox in the evening or before bedtime on an empty stomach Suitable for those who want to lose weight or reduce their belly. Detoxifying the intestines during this time will help the digestive system work well as well.
After knowing the appropriate time to detox Next comes the part that the girls have been waiting for. Detox formula with natural ingredients Things that everyone can easily do at home are as follows:
Fresh milk paired with bananas
This recipe is suitable for a morning detox. Just blend 2 boxes of fresh milk with 2 bananas and drink on an empty stomach after waking up. It is recommended to take it before 6 a.m. because it will help the digestive system work better in the morning. This formula is recommended to be done 3 days in a row to help adjust the bowel movement time.
Yogurt, fresh milk, honey and lemon.
I believe that many people are familiar with this formula. Just take 1 cup of natural yogurt, 1 box of plain milk, 1 teaspoon of honey and the juice of half a lemon. mix together And drinking before 6:00-7:00 a.m. is best, which will help stimulate the digestive system. and the intestinal system to work better
Water and basil seeds
A popular recipe for people who want to lose weight. By mixing 2 teaspoons of basil seeds with 1 glass of hot water, then wait for the basil seeds to swell first before drinking. This formula will help remove waste from the body in the morning. Helps keep the stomach clean. and absorb nutrients better